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STL Rhythm Fest 2024

I want to come, but I can't be there for all of the classes.  What are my options?


We have 3 festival options for you!


1.  All Access (Access to all workshops on Friday, July 26, Saturday, July 27, and Sunday, July 28)

$510 per student


2.  One Day Access (Access to all workshops on either Friday, July 26, Saturday, July 27 OR Sunday, July 28)

$175 per student


3.  Pay Per Class (You choose the classes you plan to attend)

$40 per class


How do I know whether to register for the intermediate level or the advanced level?


The level and pace of each class will be determined by each of our guest instructors.  Every teaching artist defines these levels differently.  However, we have made some recommendations below to help guide you when making your choice.


Intermediate:  In general, we recommend that a student registering for the intermediate level has had at least 5 years of consistent, weekly tap dance training.


Advanced:  In general, we recommend that a student registering for the advanced level has had at least 8 or more years of consistent, weekly tap dance training.


* If after your first class of the day, you feel overwhelmed or that you could be challenged more, come speak with our staff.  As long there is space availability, we may allow you to switch your level.  Once you switch levels, you must stay in that level for the remainder of the classes for which you are registered.


Is there an age requirement for festival classes?


There is no age minimum or maximum for STL Rhythm Fest classes.  However, we ask that you refer to the previous question and consider our level recommendations based on the amount of previous training you have had.  


Can anyone come to the Faculty Panel Discussion or the Open Jam Session?


YES!  Both of these events are free and open to the public.  You don't need to register.  Just come!


The panel discussion on Saturday, July 27 at 6:00pm, featuring our professional working tap masters, will include memories of festival honoree, Professor Robert L. Reed, and the days of The St. Louis Tap Festival.  We'll also discuss historical & contemporary issues important to careers in the arts.  


The open tap jam session, which will kick off our event on Thursday, July 25 at 6:30pm, will feature the artistry of our master instructors and is an open forum where everyone is encouraged to join in.  If you prefer not to join in that's okay!  We strongly encourage you to attend and enjoy as an audience member, especially if you've never been to a tap jam before!


What is the Student Performance Showcase?


The Student Performance Showcase on Friday, July 26 at 6:30pm is a performance opportunity for tap dancers at any level, who would like to share a performance.  If you're preparing a new solo, duo, trio or group for competition next year, this is a great opportunity to practice performing for an audience. Share a work in progress or some of your own choreography. All performers must register for the showcase at $25 per dancer.  Audience members are welcome to attend for no charge.


What is your Refund Policy?


Students may be eligible to receive a full refund if STLRC is notified on or before July 1, 2024.

Students may be eligible to receive a 50% refund if STLRC is notified between July 2, 2024-July15, 2024.

Students may not be eligible to receive a refund if STLRC is notified after July 15, 2024. 



*  If you have any questions or concerns, email us at

Contact Us


Phone    636-577-4012


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